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Meet the Expert: Facing Death – Gilded mummy masks from Roman Egypt

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Meet the Expert: Facing Death – Gilded mummy masks from Roman Egypt

Alkaen DKK 30.00



02 Touko 2024 17:00 - 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Varaa luottavaisin mielin: Billetto takaa palautukset peruuntuneista tapahtumista, mikä takaa mielenrauhasi. Lue lisää


Meet the Expert: Facing Death – Gilded mummy masks from Roman Egypt
Thursday 2 May at 5 p.m.

An exclusive event at the Glyptotek for season ticket holders.


To ensure a successful afterlife in ancient Egypt, it was important to preserve the identity of the deceased by including a portrayal in the grave. Glyptoteket has a variety of such portrayals in the form of mummy masks, which were used to cover the face of the deceased. This afternoon post.doc. Tuuli Kasso will present her current research into the museum’s gilded mummy masks. Here you will learn about the different artistic techniques and materials used for their production, and how they were used during the Romano-Egyptian period.

The Glyptotek’s gilded mummy masks will exclusively be on display and exhibited for a limited period. Take this unique opportunity to hear about how Kasso is studying the masks, deciding which materials were used and the techniques employed to make them, and how we step by step are getting more knowledge about why it was important to manufacture portraits of those who passed and their significance in ancient Egyptian funerary beliefs.

In her current project, Tuuli Kasso has conducted analysis and research on the materials and techniques, as well as the provenance of the masks. The quality of materials, such as gold, and the choice of paints gives us clues from the past, and to the people who made these objects.

About Tuuli Kasso
Tuuli Kasso is an archaeological scientist specialised in the study of ancient art and craft. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the Polychromy Research Group at The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek and at the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen.

About the Pop-up Exhibition

Three of the Glyptotek’s gilded mummy masks from the Roman period in Egypt will be exclusively on display for a limited period in connection to The Danish Science Festival.

The mummy masks will be exhibited in hall 3 from April 19 - June 21, 2024. The research project is funded by Kirsten og Freddy Johansens Fond and The Carlsberg Foundation.

About Meet the Expert
On selected Thursdays, we invite the Glyptotek’s season ticket holders on a special tour with one of the museum's many experts, who will share their passion and expertise.

Before or after the event, you can also enjoy a glass of wine and a delicious dinner in the museum café, Picnic. Remember to book a table here.

The event is an exclusive offer for season ticket holders.
Price: DKK 30

Tickets for the event must be purchased in advance via Billetto here.
Please note that there is a limited number of spots available for the tour.

Season Ticket
Buy your season ticket here to participate in this event.

With a season ticket you also get access to other special events for season ticket holders, as well as discounts on other events, discounts in the museum shop and café, and of course free access to the Glyptoteket all year round.

Danish below --------------

Mød eksperten: Ansigt til ansigt med døden – Forgyldte mumiemasker fra det romerske Ægypten
Torsdag den 2. maj kl. 17

Glyptotekets årskortholdere inviteres til et eksklusivt arrangement med postdoc Tuuli Kasso.


Kom og hør postdoc Tuuli Kasso præsentere sin igangværende forskning i museets forgyldte mumiemasker. Foredraget vil gøre dig klogere på hvilke materialer og teknikker, som blev brugt til at udføre dem samt hvordan maskerne blev brugt i den romerske periode i Ægypten.

Glyptotekets forgyldte mumiemasker vil kun være udstillet i en begrænset periode, så grib denne unikke mulighed for at se dem.

Om Tuuli Kasso
Tuuli Kasso er specialiseret i arkæometri og antikkens kunst og håndværk. Hun er postdoc i polykromiforskningsprojektet på Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek og på Globe Institute, Københavns Universitet.

Om pop up-udstillingen
Tre af Glyptotekets forgyldte mumiemasker fra den romerske periode i Ægypten udstilles for første gang i anledningen af Forskningens døgn.
Mumiemaskerne vises i sal 3 og kan opleves fra 19. april til 21. juni 2024. Forskningsprojektet er støttet af Kirsten og Freddy Johansens Fond og Carlsbergfondet.

Om arrangementsrækken
På udvalgte torsdage inviterer vi Glyptotekets årskortholdere med på en særlig omvisning med en af museets mange eksperter. Glæd dig til at mærke passionen og blive draget af eksperternes dybe viden.

På aftenen kan du også nyde et godt glas og lækker aftensmad i museumscaféen, Picnic. Husk at bestille bord her.

Arrangementet er et eksklusivt tilbud til årskortholdere.
Pris: 30 kr.

Der skal på forhånd købes billet til arrangementet via Billetto.
Bemærk, at der er begrænsede antal pladser til omvisningen.

Køb dit årskort her for at deltage i dette arrangement. Få derudover adgang til andre særarrangementer for årskortholdere, rabat på øvrige arrangementer, rabat i museumsbutikken og i caféen samt fri adgang til Glyptoteket året rundt.


Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek is an art museum of international stature in the centre of Copenhagen. The Glyptotek houses over 10,000 works of art, from the Mediterranean cradle of Western culture to the Danish and French art from the 19th and 20th centuries.


Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Dantes Plads 7, 1556 København

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