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MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (2011) & live music

Evento annullato

MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (2011) & live music

Da DKK 90,00



Apr 15 2021 19:00 - 22:00



18:00 = Café opens / CASH or MOBILE PAY only! / Open seating due to corona rules / Tickets are 90 kr. and can ONLY be pre-bought using the link above. NO RESERVATIONS VIA MAIL AND TICKETS CAN NOT BE BOUGHT AT THE CINEMA.

19:00 = Live hot jazz with the quartet GITANES who will play songs from Woody Allen films.
Mads Tuxen - Alto Sax
Mikkel Hermansen - Guitar
Daniel Rodrigues - Guitar
Jeremy Mazoro - Upright Bass

20:00 = MIDNIGHT IN PARIS, 2011
Gil and Inez travel to Paris as a tag-along vacation on her parents' business trip. Gil is a successful Hollywood writer but is struggling on his first novel. He falls in love with the city and thinks he and Inez should move there after they get married, but Inez does not share his romantic notions of the city or the idea that the 1920s were the golden age. When Inez goes off dancing with her friends, Gil takes a walk at midnight and discovers what could be the ultimate source of inspiration for writing. Gil's daily walks at midnight in Paris could take him closer to the heart of the city but further from the woman he's about to marry.

ABOUT REFUNDS; The government will make another determination about extending closures on or before April 5th and we hope & expect to be able to operate by then, but if this show needs to be canceled you will get a FULL refund.

ABOUT VIRUS GUIDELINES; Through early 2021 we will continue to only sell half of our seats (35) to make sure you can sit between empty seats if you choose to, and unless otherwise directed by the government all other guidelines will be in effect; masks required unless seated, distancing, wiping down contact points & surfaces with sanitizer, closing of the bar at 21.30, etc. Since June of 2020 and going forward we are have eliminated waiting lists and only selling tickets on billetto so we can fine-tune audience size and to help with contact tracing if need be. While we do offer refunds if the show is cancelled, we cannot refund your money if you become ill or if for some other personal reason you cannot make it - you need to give your ticket to a friend or sell it onwards yourself, in which case it is helpful if you e-mail the name change on to our house manager, Jack, at ... Feel free to contact him directly if you have any other questions. 

OTHER BASIC INFO; We take only cash and mobile pay - NO CARDS! Our cafe is still open and selling drinks although seating there is greatly reduced so we encourage you to go directly into the cinema when you arrive where drinks are also permitted.   



Luogo dell'evento

Husets Biograf Husets Biograf, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København


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