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Pandemic Resilient Cities - Conference

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Pandemic Resilient Cities - Conference

Da DKK 40,00



Ott 08 2020 16:00 - 18:30


On October 8th 2020, Emergency Architecture & Human Rights (EAHR) in collaboration with Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx) organizes the first international conference in Copenhagen on Pandemic Resilient Cities.

This conference is the second phase of a collaboration between EAHR, CAFx  and Think-Fast: a collective urban response to COVID-19. During May and  June 2020 we engaged together in a five talks, ( where we brought experts from the built environment, the health and  humanitarian sectors into conversation to debate and answer questions  around the following topics:

- Disaster and Pandemics- Health Infrastructures
- Urban living: Density & Pandemics
- Human Rights & Contested cities

The current pandemic has pushed us to (re)think the future of our cities and how we can create resilient spaces for future threats. In a world with growing inequalities, crises not only create new obstacles, but deepens the existing gaps. As we have seen in the recent months, a pandemic does not only redefine the way we relate socially, but also the way we relate spatially.
COVID-19 has pushed the boundaries of the way we think our cities, from plazas to meeting locales, new restrictions and emerging needs have defied our previous understanding, finding us in many occasions unprepared for this scenario.
Feeling a common and shared responsibility on how we shape the future of our societies, we point to sharing further ideas and experiences to contribute to build the cities of tomorrow on new grounds. We are bringing together experts, professionals and academics to debate and learn how, by focusing on the possibilities triggered by the crisis, we can progress towards resilient, socially inclusive and green communities where equality, access and participation is ensured
to all.

We are looking forward to your participation! (Limited seats).
16.00 – 16.10
Josephine Michau
Co-founder and Festival Director, Copenhagen Architecture Festival
16.10 – 16.40
Michele Di Marco
CEO, Emergency Architecture & Human Rights
16.40 – 17.10
Jeff Risom
Partner and Chief Innovation Officer, Gehl Architects
17.10 – 17.20
Coffe break
17.20 – 17.50
Luca Fontana
Toxicologist and Epidemiologist, World Health Organization
17.50 – 18.20
Emmanuel Raju
Director and Co-Chair, Copenhagen Centre for Disaster Research - Copenhagen University
18.20 – 18.30

Luogo dell'evento

Union Union, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København


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