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Performance Reading : A Restless Gesture : Margarita del Carmen

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Performance Reading : A Restless Gesture : Margarita del Carmen

From Free



Dec 08 2022 19:00 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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As part of her residency at Art Hub Copenhagen, Margarita del Carmen will present her ongoing research through the performance reading A Restless Gesture.


Participation is free, but we recommend securing a place by taking out a free ticket here at Billetto.

During and after the performance DJ Tadoh will be playing.

Time and Location: 8 December 7-9 pm, Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 Copenhagen.



In the search for possible utopias where we stand, Margarita goes through the city with a handheld camera, looking for cracks and fractures where the possibility of opening the spaces of everyday life might be. Departing from her joint research on city planning from below, and looking at the city from a child’s perspective, the filming process turns her to look at the city as a whole machinery, where possible spaces and gestures could create the chance to generate other modes of production of space – As space is always shared, what kind of city are we making?

A Restless Gesture has the format of a collage, where many perspectives are merged in play. During the process, the social uprising lived in Chile during 2019-2020 reappears as ghosts with messages from afar. Squares and streets occupied by social rage, chant, and solidarity. The cracks and fractures expand. Public watches keep turning time around, while children play between construction sites and the delirium of the capital moves around.


Art Hub er en faciliterende, eksperimenterende og netværksskabende kunstinstitution i København.

Vi tilbyder residencies for kunstnere, internationale udviklingsprogrammer, tværfaglige fællesskaber og offentlige events, som præsenterer og diskuterer kunstnerisk arbejde og forskning.

Art Hub er til for billedkunstnere, for forskere, for samarbejdspartnere og for alle, der er nysgerrige på samtidens kunst.


Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 København


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