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Red Lama + The Oceans | HUSET

l'evento è terminato

Red Lama + The Oceans | HUSET

Da DKK 80,00



Apr 28 2023 20:00 - 23:59
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Vær med når Red Lama og The Oceans blæser taget af Huset
Venue: Xenon, 4th floor
Doors: 20.00
Show: 21.00
Admission: 160 kr / Valid Student ID 80 kr.
Setup: Standing

Red Lama er et rockband bestående af seks mand, der har eksisteret siden sommeren 2011. Musikalsk tog bandet sit udgangspunkt i den psykedeliske rock, men har over årene suppleret de lange udsyrede passager med en sangskrivning fokuseret på dansable og percussive grooves samt et større fokus på sangstruktur og den gode melodi. Det er håndspillet, moderne rockmusik, der trækker bred inspiration fra bl.a. krautrock, postrock, jazz samt britisk electronica og rock.

Bandet er særligt kendt for sine liveoptrædener, og har ved flere lejligheder høstet anerkendende ord i musikmagasiner som GAFFA, Bands of Tomorrow, Undertoner og Rockfreaks for deres intense koncerter, der både indbyder til fordybelse og trance-agtig dans.

Støjende guitarer, insisterende beats og fængslende melodier. Sammen indkapsler dette essensen af The Oceans. Duoen bestående af Dan Joe & Linus Valdemar er baseret i København og har eksisteret siden november 2014 - udtrykket er en kombination af byens puls, støj og kaos, samt roen man finder i dette hav af impulser.

Efter to succesfulde EP’er udgav duoen den 9. september 2022 deres debutalbum, Love Above All, der er mødt med gode anmeldelser i både ind- og udland.

De har tidligere spillet koncerter og festivaler såsom Bands of Tomorrow Music Awards 2015, Offspring Festival 2016, Summer In The City 2017, Uhørt Festival 2017, Gimle Sound-Tjek 2017, Uhørt Præsenterer 2018 og Spot Festival 2019.

Red Lama is a six-man rock band that has been in existence since the summer of 2011. Musically, the band got its start in psychedelic rock, but over the years has supplemented the long acid passages with songwriting focused on danceable and percussive grooves as well as a greater focus on song structure and the good melody. It is hand-played, modern rock music that draws broad inspiration from e.g. krautrock, postrock, jazz as well as British electronica and rock.

The band is particularly known for its live performances, and has on several occasions garnered praise in music magazines such as GAFFA, Bands of Tomorrow, Undertoner and Rockfreaks for their intense concerts that invite both immersion and trance-like dancing.

Loud guitars, insistent beats and captivating melodies. Together, this encapsulates the essence of The Oceans. The duo consisting of Dan Joe & Linus Valdemar is based in Copenhagen and has existed since November 2014 - the result is a combination of the city's pulse, noise and chaos, as well as the tranquility you find in this sea of impulses.

After two successful EPs, the duo released their debut album, Love Above All, on 9 September 2022, which has been met with good reviews both at home and abroad.

They have previously played concerts and festivals such as Bands of Tomorrow Music Awards 2015, Offspring Festival 2016, Summer In The City 2017, Uhørt Festival 2017, Gimle Sound-Tjek 2017, Uhört Presenter 2018 and Spot Festival 2019.


Huset is Denmark's first culture house and has existed since 1970. A cultural platform where volunteers and alternative cultural environments create events and artistic projects. Together with different cultural partners Huset presents different cultural experiences from concerts to theater and performances, talks, underground cult movie screenings, food culture and cross-artistic projects.

Luogo dell'evento

Huset-KBH, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København


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