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Save the Baltic Sea: a hike, a conference and a promise

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Save the Baltic Sea: a hike, a conference and a promise

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Abr 29 2024 09:00 - 14:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Join us in Copenhagen on Monday the 29th of April as we host the Danish leg of the 9-month long, 6000km "Save the Baltic Sea" Expedition. This group is traversing the entire coastline of the Baltic Sea to engage with local and national organizations and galvanize efforts to combat marine pollution sources. 

Come and hear the hiking groups's environmental and adventure-perspectives, as we gather influential voices in marine pollution from civic society, government, retail and academia for an informative and dynamic event with a view at The National Aquarium Denmark - Den Blå Planet. 

The event will kick-off with a complimentary breakfast before we have four 20-minute talks from a few interesting voices, followed by a 40-minute panel discussion. Following the event there will be a complementary lunch and guided tour of the National Aquarium, where you can learn about the consequences that climate change, pollution and environmental crises have on the ocean's breath-taking animal kingdom.

The goal is to understand more about the specific pollution challenges and solutions facing the seas around Denmark and the Baltics with a focus on the rising tide of plastic pollution.

The event will kick-off with a complimentary breakfast before we have four 20-minute talks from followed by a 40-minute panel discussion. Following the event there will be a complementary lunch and guided tour of the National Aquarium, where you can learn about the consequences that climate change, pollution and environmental crises have on the oceans breath-taking animal kingdom.


08:45 - 09:30: Breakfast at Café Plankton
09:30 - 10:00: Welcome by COP 
09:40 - 10:00: Presentation from Save the Baltic Sea hikers
10:00 - 11:00: Presentations
11:00 - 11:10: Break
11:10 - 11:50: Panel discussion
11:50 - 12:45: Lunch at Café Plankton
12:30 - 14:00: Guided Tours at the National Aquariuam - Den Blå Planet

Download the full program here. 

Meet the speakers:

- Lars Fogh Mortensen, Candidate to the European Parliament for Radikale Venstre / Danish Social Liberal Party (Lars is also an expert on circular economy and plastics at the European Environment Agency)

- Gittemarie Johansen, Public Speaker and Sustainability Expert

- Yvonne Shashoua, Research Professor at The National Museum of Denmark

- Thomas Drustrup, Managing Director, The Danish Plastics Federation

- Isabel Aagaard, Co-Founder, LastObject

- Søren Laurentius Nielsen, Head of Program, Marine Pollution at Ocean Institute


The event is FREE, but registration is necessary. The free ticket includes:

  • Entrance to the National Aquarium Denmark - Den Blå Planet
  • Breakfast and lunch in Café Plankton with a beautiful view of Øresund
  • Access to the conference and paneldiscussion in the meeting room with stunning view of Øresund
  • Guided tour at the National Aquarium Denmark - Den Blå Planet after the conference

Cancellations needs to happen the latest at 9am on the 28th of April. Out of respect for the event, a no-show fee of 250 DKK will be applied in case of late/or no cancellation. 

For questions, cancellations, and other inquiries regarding the event, please contact Ida Holmgaard at

There is no need to purchase physical tickets or other extras when registering. You will receive all the needed information and reminders from us directly.


Den Blå Planet, Jacob Fortlingsvej 1, 2770 Kastrup


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