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Science & Cocktails: Revealing The Mysteries Of Jupiter

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Science & Cocktails: Revealing The Mysteries Of Jupiter

De DKK 120,00



Mar 27 2020 18:30 - 23:30


Science & Cocktails together with CPH:DOX presents an evening with space debris and the Juno (NASA) Mission. A documentary on debris and a journey through Jupiter. How did Jupiter form? How do giant planets form? Does Jupiter have a core? What is Jupiter's composition? What did we learn about Jupiter from the ongoing NASA Juno mission? What is the diversity in giant planet composition and internal structure?


Free entrance standing, first come first serve basis
Seated: 120kr (+ booking fee) 

Programme for the evening:

18:30 Doors open
19:00 Documentary: Space Cleaners
20:30 Revealing the mysteries of Jupiter with Ravit Helled
21:50 Music act: TBA

Planets are common and mysterious astrophysical objects. Our gas giant planet Jupiter, which is the most massive planet in the Solar System, is made of mostly hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is a key planet to investigate because it had a critical role in shaping the architecture of the young Solar System, and in addition, its composition reveals critical information on the planetary birth environment of the other planets.

Originally, gas giant planets were thought to have cores in their deep interiors, and the division into a core and hydrogen-helium envelope has been applied in both formation and internal structure models. However, recent formation and evolution simulations of Jupiter show that this is an over-simplification, and that Jupiter's internal structure is complex.

Ravit Helled will explain how we think Jupiter formed and evolved and will speak about the Juno (NASA) mission to Jupiter, its objectives, and key results.

Space Cleaners

Only few decades from now, the problem of space debris might render space travel impossible and change everyday life on earth fundamentally. In order to prevent this disaster from happening, scientists across Germany are working on ways to get the situation under control. Yet, to the present day, we are still incapable of actively removing debris from space. The film explores the work on space debris and shows the viewer that not only our actions on Earth, but also in Space have far-reaching consequences for ourselves and our environment.

After the talk, music.

Event held in English.

This event has the generous support of Novo Nordisk Fonden.


Den Grå Hal Den Grå Hal, Refshalevej 2, 1436 København


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