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Sensuous City Local - Refshaleøen

l'evento è terminato

Sensuous City Local - Refshaleøen

Da DKK 290,00


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12 Maggio 2023 - 17 Maggio 2023


Sensuous 24-hour walk

In recent years Sisters Hope has been exploring the city of a Sensuous Society in the celebrated format Sensuous City. With their new format Sensuous City Local, they are concentrating their investigation in a specified local area exploring the sensuous and poetic vertical layers of that specific context. In May 2023 you can join this new mode of sensuous city exploration at the former industrial site of the Refshale Island.

Together with a group of co-citizens you will explore the area for 24 hours facilitated by Sisters Hope performers. Maybe you will follow the flow of the water or let yourself be guided by soft sounds - or perhaps you will venture underground and let yourself be embraced by the immersive darkness.

As a participant you will take part in a poetic walk and performance which will help us unfold the sensuous and poetic aspects of the area. In contrast to the site's history as a center of heavy production and industrialization, Sisters Hope will bring you in contact with the tactile, the soft and the aesthetic dimensions of the area.

During the 24 hours, you will explore the area’s sensuous and poetic layers. What stories, atmospheres, movements, emotions lurk in this space? You will perform active research, and your discoveries from the walk will be gathered and made accessible to the area before it is brought to The Sisters Archive in Sisters Hope Home. As such your discoveries will contribute to new dreams and visions of this specific context, Refshale Island - to create an area for poetry, for beauty, and for the sensuous aspects of our being.

Practical information

The walks are guided and facilitated by Sisters Hopes’ performers such as: the Spreading Fire, the Timer and the Unnamed. Before the departure you will receive a welcoming letter with guidelines on what to prepare and what to bring on the walk. Along the way, you will be served warm vegan meals and you will get a place to rest overnight. It will not be possible to bring or use digital devices such as phones and cameras during the performance.

Be aware the walks can be physically requiring, and you will traverse difficult environments. And if you have specific access requirements, please contact us at The walks will happen in and around an active industrial area. Please be aware of your surroundings - participation is at your own risk. Please bring clothing’s that are allowed to become dirty.


Sisters Hope is an award-winning performance group and movement which works with a fundamental ambition to make the sensuous and poetic accessible to as many people as possible - to 'democratize the aesthetic,' as we call it. Our work operates at the intersection of performance art, research, pedagogy and activism. We use sound, light, and scenography, and apply interactive and interventionist performance art strategies to transform spaces and institutions (both within and outside the art institution) into immersive, sensuous, and poetic landscapes.

Luogo dell'evento

Refshaleøen, Refshaleøen, 1432 København


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