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Tamikrest (ML) + Ba Balance at Pumpehuset - få billetter

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Tamikrest (ML) + Ba Balance at Pumpehuset - få billetter

From DKK 148.00



Dec 02 2021 20:00 - 23:00


Døre kl 19 / Koncert kl. 20
Bemærk: Koncerten er rykket til Pumpehuset.

Tamikrests medrivende ørkenblues hylder med effektpedaler og djembe-rytmer Saharas uendelige vidder og tuareg-folkets kultur og musik som Tinariwen og Bombino. Ba Balance varmer op til koncerten, som præsenteres af ALICE i Pumpehuset. 

På tamashek, tuareg-nomadernes sprog, betyder Tamikrest noget i retningen af at “overskride” eller at “krydse grænser”. Et rammende navn til et band, der på enestående vis forener tuareg-folkets tidløse musik med musikalske indtryk, som de har fået på deres rejser og turnéer rundt i hele verden. Hos Tamikrest væves dub, psykedelisk rock og funk elegant ind og ud af hinanden i bandets helt særlige take på den medrivende ørkenblues. Wah-guitar og melodiske vokaler står i front i et lydbillede, hvor groovy basgange og massive djembe-rytmer danner det funklende musikalske bagtæppe. 

Siden Tamikrest i 2006 brød internationalt igennem med deres eminente debut, “Adagh” (Glitterhouse Records), har de taget såvel publikum som anmeldere med storm og har med base i Kidal i det nordøstlige Mali turneret verden rundt. Det har dog ikke kun været en turbulent tid for Tamikrest, men også for den region deres musik er vokset ud af. Tuareg-folket har historisk været nomader, men de seneste årtier har de været et folk på flugt og levet i borgerkrigslignende tilstande. Situationen afspejler sig naturligvis i gruppens musik, og bl.a. albummet “Chatma” er et poetisk og musikalsk vidnesbyrd om krig og flugt.

Med sig i Pumpehuset har Tamikrest seneste album på Glitterbeat Records, det fremragende "Tamotaït".Tamikrest har spillet forrygende koncerter på både Roskilde Festival og Global. Vi glæder os til at byde på deres medrivende ørkenblues i Pumpehuset. 

Sagt om Tamikrest:

“The heaviest desert rock-out yet … Tamikrest’s music blazes with a righteous intensity that is almost scary.”—Songlines (Top Of The World, *****)

“Blazing with a righteous intensity born of the struggle of a people whose nomadic life is under constant threat, “Kidal” sounds like a high tide.”—Uncut (8/10)

Ba Balance
Det spritnye band Ba Balance åbner aftenen for Tamikrest. De spiller deres egen blanding af groovy blues-roots og jazzet afro-rock. Med bare to musikere på scenen, skaber de et “road-movie” agtigt landskab med guitar riffs indsvøbt i effekter, percussion grooves og vilde soli. Preben Carlsen (guitar) og Salieu Dibba (percussion) er gamle musikalske legekammerater og er herhjemme nok mest kendt fra deres mangeårige samarbejde med Moussa Diallo og Dawda Jobarteh.

In English:

Tamikrest in tamasheq language means junction, connection, knot, coalition. The group members come from different horizons (Mali, Niger, Algeria and France). Wanting to assume fully their Touareg identity, they found in the rebel music Ishumar the means to express it. Since the band had their breakthrough in 2006, they have played all over the world, consolidating themselves as one of the most important desert rock bands these days with names such as Tinarewen and Bombino. 

There’s a raw beauty in Tamikrest’s rock’n’roll. It’s there in the driving, insistent groove that powers the songs, the lean, snaking bass lines and the guitars that twine and twist around the melodies, and the utterly natural musical blending of Sahel Africa, the Maghreb, and the West – a reflection of influences as diverse as Pink Floyd, Rachid Taha, and flamenco. Yet the Sahara, and the people who live there, is always firmly at its heart. In 2020 Tamikrest released the new album "Tamotaït" - their most powerful album since 2013’s wildly acclaimed "Chatma". Tamikrest has played at Roskilde Festival and Global, and we’re looking forward to have them back when they play at Pumpehuset for a show presented by ALICE.

Ba Balance

Preben Carlsen plays the guitar and Salieu Dibba percussion and the duo is based in Malmö, Sweden. The music is sometimes simple and bombastic, sometimes complex and refined, but always it’s an expressive journey through variated landscapes. From releasing energy to others touching your bluesy feeling. Preben Carlsen and Salieu Dibba have played together side by side in various bands for more than 15 years. In Ba Balance they are now sharing their passion, experience and knowledge about music in a challenging duo format that allows new experimentations and highlights the dynamic interplay between them.


Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


Pumpehuset Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52, 1554 København


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