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Tech Tales competition

Evento cancelado

Tech Tales competition

De DKK 30,00



Mayo 14 2020 18:30 - 21:00



Tech tale: An inspiring, educational and eye opening talk relating to a technical subject told in a simple, ordinary and understandable language.


Who can tell the best tech tale that is catchy, relevant for the public and innovative? We are looking for the most tech savvy people that can convey their message, so EVERYBODY understands the purpose and potential.

We believe that everybody should have the opportunity to take part in the debate about new technologies and how it is utilised. This requires a shared language that does not include implied tech terms or even worse abbreviations of these implied tech terms. Thus, we want to celebrate the people that master a simple, inclusive language that outlines a complex subject.

In total, five presenters will each spend 15 minutes sharing their tech tale. At the end, the audience – in the concert hall as well as online – and a panel of five judges will choose the best and most enlightening tech tale of the evening based on:

  • communication skills,
  • creativity and
  • sensemaking – does it make sense in the real world or is it just hot air?

The event is for EVERYONE, no matter skill set, age and background – we aim to make it interesting both for the tech experts and the tech novices.

We are fortunate to have a beautiful location in Musikhuset Aarhus and for those who does not live nearby or did not get a ticket, we will live stream the event. We hope educational institutions, all kinds of companies and private people will help us by having streaming parties and make sure that we have a big diverse audience, so we have the best foundation to find the true winner. Please reach out to us and we will be more than happy to support big as well as small streaming parties. We would be honoured if you add us as co-hosts on Facebook, so we can keep track of all the great streaming parties.

If you prefer being on stage fighting for the big prize, please send us a video no longer than 5 minutes with a teaser of your tech tale to All videos will be posted on our Youtube-channel, so people can upvote their favourites for the big final onstage.

Join us for a great evening in Musikhuset or online celebrating the best story tellers from the tech world.



Musikhuset Aarhus Musikhuset Aarhus, Thomas Jensens Allé 2, 8000 Aarhus


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