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Da DKK 60,00



Feb 16 2019 19:00 - 23:00


(NOTE! "RANDY" will begin at 21.30 tonight - NOT at 22.00 as originally posted!)

We welcome American writer Josh Alan Friedman, author of "NOW DIG THIS - THE UNSPEAKABLE WRITINGS OF TERRY SOUTHERN," for the third and final part of a 3-part series on Terry Southern who wrote or co-wrote the scripts to many of the most groundbreaking films of the American counter-culture period. Tonight he presents and discusses EASY RIDER tonight and Jack introduces the 35mm screening of RANDY THE ELECTRIC LADY.



19.30 = EASY RIDER (1968 / 95 min.) – The classic 60s "road film," the story of a search for freedom (or the illusion of freedom) in a conformist and corrupt America, in the midst of paranoia, bigotry and violence. Released in the year of the Woodstock concert, and made in a year of two tragic assassinations (Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King), the Vietnam War buildup and Nixon's election, the tone of this 'alternative' film is remarkably downbeat and bleak, reflecting the collapse of the idealistic 60s. Easy Rider, one of the first films of its kind, was a ritualistic experience and viewed (often repeatedly) by youthful audiences in the late 1960s as a reflection of their realistic hopes of liberation and fears of the Establishment.

22.00 = RANDY THE ELECTRIC LADY (75 min?) - 35mm print!,  1980, directed by Phillip Schuman and staring Desiree Cousteau. (Brief introduction by Jack Stevenson) This "lost" sci-fi porn comedy was reputedly co-written by Terry Southern and constitutes his only involvement in a sexually explicit film. (This vibrant XX version delivers nudity and sexual explicitness but no penertation scenes). San Francisco's own Ben Van Meter, a pioneer of psychedelic cinema, co-wrote and shot the film. It's bold, campy, satiric, sexy, romantic and bizarre. With a soundtrack that veers between lounge, disco and punk, and trace influences of everything from Rocky Horror to Clockwork Orange, it survives as one of  the most unique and curious "porn films" ever made.

(PLEASE NOTE: The ticket price allows you to attend one OR both films(!!!). If you have any questions contact our house manager, Jack, directly at ... Remember that we cannot refund ticket money. If for some reason you are unable to attend it is your responsibility to sell your tickets to someone else or give them to a friend.)



Luogo dell'evento

Husets Biograf Husets Biograf, Rådhusstræde 13, 1446 København


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