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THE LITTLE MERMAID & THE TIDE - Audio play (Harbor walk or listen at home)

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THE LITTLE MERMAID & THE TIDE - Audio play (Harbor walk or listen at home)

Da DKK 50,00



Giu 04 2018 15:00 - Dic 16 2018 15:00


HISTORIC AUDIO PLAY - walk app. 45 min (EN)

Requirements: Your set of smartphone + headset, one set per person.

Download the audio play to your smartphone and walk along the historic harbor to the famous Sculpture of The Little Mermaid.

In the play you follow The Little Mermaid on a poetic time travel in sound, music and drama, from the ancient times and up until the present. You'll walkinto a magic realistic universe of sound, music and fairytale. Copenhagen's historic harbor sets the visual scene for a contemporary version of The Little Mermaid.


The tour starts at Kayak Bar and ends at the famous sculpture The Little Mermaid at Langelinje.

When purchasing your ticket, you send an email to, and you'll shortly after receive a download link and a map of the walking route.

You can do the walk anytime that suits you, alone or with someone else. The harbor is particularly poetic in the Twilight.


You'll experience the city's history through the eyes and ears of The Little Mermaid: Her first encounter with the land that later on becomes Copenhagen and her life and love on land. The story ends in the present day where she has become an old woman in the pulsing city, and finally is able to tell her own story.

The new interpretation reflects the changes in women views from H. C. Andersen’s golden ages to Todays strong, independent Copenhagen women.

The play is written by artist Maj D with consultant support from the well known author and literature professor Martin Zerlang. Music by the Danish composer "Rumpoistol".



Luogo dell'evento

Bibliotekshaven Bibliotekshaven, Proviantpassagen 1, 1218 København


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