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Unfold Your Love - Summit 2018

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Unfold Your Love - Summit 2018

De DKK 750,00



Sep 29 2018 09:00 - Sep 30 2018 17:00



2 days of transformational experiences and teachings that will inspire and assist you on the never ending journey into love.


We are calling everyone with an aspiration to live from the heart. Everyone who:


Teachings from the best teachers on how to love your self and how to change the world through love.

The love that heals, holds and guides us every step of our lives, that transcends all religion, and is the true essence of who we are.


We believe that it is possible to create a world of peaceful co-existense, and we believe that the answer that will pave the road is love.

We are dedicated to inspire people, one heart at the time, to know that they truly matter, that they have endless love to give and endless love to receive. Love is all there is.


Please find more information about the program and the speakers at the website


During the event there will be free access for coffee, the, and water. In the breaks there will be served small snacks.


CONNECTE - et trygt univers med inspiration til større bevidsthed om det universelle ansvar, som vi alle har - og med et netværk som løfter individet og fællesskabet


Fredensborg Store Kro Fredensborg Store Kro, Slotsgade 6, 3480 Fredensborg


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